Movement - Rhythm - Fun
A wonderful time during the week to move your body, breathe your heart and clear your head. We connect these evenings with the fun and joy of dancing. We keep it simple. We focus our attention on ourselves and put into motion what is alive in us.
Evenings begin with a warm-up of about 45 minutes. There is music and little instruction. This time serves to arrive, to land. We stretch our body, warm it up and prepare for the wave of the 5Rhythms.
Then I take you on a movement journey. In it we discover a thousand and one ways that dance nourishes, challenges, surprises and changes us. Each rhythm has its own quality. Embodying the rhythms allows you to access your flexibility, your strength, your ability to let go and to enjoy your joy. While dancing, trying out, you discover your unique dance. This can sometimes be deeply moving, setting in motion something you didn't know before or simply: enjoyable.
Almost everyone experiences more relaxation and energy after dancing the 5Rhythms.
We end the evening in silence and conclude in a circle.
The lessons offer a framework to connect with your body through the different rhythms and have an improvisational character.
In my guidance, I reach out to you with simple basic tips and bring music from around the world.
For whom
For anyone who has some dance experience and wants to dance in a regular group.
Registration is required.
If you do not speak Dutch, inform Sietske when you enter the dance hall;
she will give instructions in English and Dutch.
Thursday: 19.30 - 21.30 hours
Dates 2024 - Spring:
Series 1: 11 - 18 Jan; 1 - 8 - 15 - 29 Feb;
Series 2: 7 - 14 - 21 Mar; 4 - 11 - 18 Apr;
Series 3: 6 - 13 - 20 June; 4 - 11 July.
Studio 3, Weg naar Rhijnauwen 3, 3584 AD Utrecht
directions. Free parking
Cost per Series:
When ordering, choose the amount that feels right:
€ 145,- or € 160,- or € 175,- (for Series 1 and 2) (6 evenings)
€ 130,- or € 145,- or € 160,- (for Series 3) (5 evenings)
Choose the Series you want to register for; then you can choose the desired amount.
Subscribe Series 1 (Jan-Feb)
Subscribe Series 2 (Feb-March)
Subscribe Series 3 (June-July)
What do you need.
Comfortable clothes for dancing and a bottle of water.
Have any questions?
Please contact me.