Will the classes and workshops of Dansjeleven continue?
All the classes and workshops of Dansjeleven have started again in July 2021. In some activities fewer dancers are allowed. For some activities you have to sign up in advance.  You will receive the latest news about our programme in our newsletter or you can find it on the website:

The basic rules still apply.
Everyone is allowed to sport/dance indoors and outdoors again. The basic measures should prevent the risk of infection. The rule is: No restrictions apply indoors or outdoors. Dancing in groups is permitted.
If it is necessary for the exercise, 1.5 metres distance is not compulsory for persons aged 18 and over. After dancing, we prefer to keep 1.5 metres distance.

Taking care of yourself and others
Below are the questions you can ask yourself when registering and on the day of the dance activity. If you have answered YES to any of these questions, you cannot participate in the dance activity.

*Have you had one or more of the following (mild) complaints in the past 24 hours or at the moment: rhinitis, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, light cough, tightness in the chest, fever and/or sudden loss of smell or taste?
*Do you currently have a housemate/family member with a fever and/or tightness of the chest?
*Are you in home isolation because you have had direct contact with someone diagnosed with the new coronavirus?

If you have health problems on the day of the class or workshop, you can send an email to cancel. You will receive the money back, with a small amount less for canceling costs.



How can I register to take part?
For the Open Class in Utrecht you do not need to make a reservation; for the Open Class in Driebergen you need to register in advance; for workshops you need to register in advance.

Can I disinfect my hands when I enter?
Disinfection gel is available at the entrance for hand hygiene.

Can I use the showers and toilets?
Yes, these can be used.

I have remarks/ideas following my participation in a Dansjeleven activity.
Dansjeleven has 25 years of experience in organising and giving lessons and workshops. However, we have no experience with organising dance classes and workshops during the aftermath of a pandemic. Comments, improvements and ideas from our participants are therefore very welcome. You can mail them here.