The Circle of 3 aims to create (in a small group) a safe space for exploring feelings, experiences, individual themes, challenges, inspirations, dreams and intuitions through movement.
What can you expect:
The method within the 'Circle of 3' is movement-oriented and wants to initiate an interaction between experience and movement, between experience and insight.
All afternoons start with a short exchange of what is current at that moment. There is time to arrive in the body through the dance. Every time the dance has a theme or goes further into the previous theme and deepens it.
Each time you have the opportunity to pay attention in a personal session to what is personally up-to-date or what is happening. By keeping in touch with your body (without judgment or self censorship) and listening, we learn to recognize what is happening, we learn to allow and accept the experience as it is. We examine the experience with interest and care and that can give you insight and bring you closer to yourself.
In the personal session you move in the presence of 2 witnesses. The witnesses are present as emphatic observers and thereby ensure a safe bed. The witnesses perceive both the other and themselves, as in some forms of meditation. To be witnessed without doing anything about it or against it. Perceive without interpreting, explaining or assessing. We can recognize universal human themes. It connects you and the other participants with each other.
Then there is a short time to exchange and reflect. Time is also needed to make a changeover. We end the afternoon with dance and a cup of tea.
As a supervisor I take care of both the personal process and the process in the group.
They are three sessions over a period of about 8 to 12 weeks with 3 participants.
Some experience with dance is necessary and your curiosity to want to explore.
When (always 3 Friday afternoons)
Series G (complete)
30 November 2018 - 25 January - 8 March 2019
Series H
15 February - 15 March - 12 April 2019
from 13.00 to 16.00.
Yoga Studio, Driebergen
I would like to participate in (click on the desired series):
Series H
Or do you have more questions: I have more questions.
3 meetings: € 215.00 incl. VAT, coffee and tea are provided.